Scala Factory Pattern In Scala A Factory pattern or Factory method pattern is very common design pattern used in software development,its is classified as creational pattern. which solves the problem of creating the instance of the class without actually specifying exact class need to be created.this pattern is part of Gang of four
Scala Scala build tools (sbt) : Getting started for testing and building As we know Scala as language is getting popular in data science or general programming field, for its functional programming traits as well object oriented behaviour also Scala runs on JVM so we can mix Scala code in java or java code with Scala project also lot of plugin or
Big Data POS tagging a sentence in Scala using Spark NLP. POS tagging is the process of marking up a word in a corpus to a corresponding part of a speech tag, based on its context and definition. This task is not straightforward, as a particular word may have a different part of speech based on the context in which the
Scala Difference between object and class in Scala. Object so in scala object is a singleton instance of the class, lets explain with small snippet. object test { def addPlusOne(a:Int) = a+1; } So when your calling the function instance is already created you can just use like static functions of class in java i.e `test.addPlusOne(
Big Data Basic encoding : label encoding and one hot encoding in Scala with Apache Spark If your starting with machine learning, after cleaning the data you end up with Normalising data, this is where encoding techniques comes in handy. there are lot of data encoding techniques but we hear lot about one hot encoding and label encoding a lot. also adaption rate for Scala programming
Data Structure Single Linked List implementation in Scala Linked list is linear data structure where elements are not sorted and there memory locations are not in sequence.So liked list has Struct called Node which hold data and reference to the next element. Linked listAs shown in the above diagram linked list contain's node where first
Data Science Install `jupyter` Note book for Scala on ubuntu 18.04 LTS So If you're a data scientist or an enthusiast you might have come across jupyter Note book, so juypter is an open source web application which helps you to run live code, plot visualisation charts,brief text narration of written code, we generally use jupyter note book to
Apache Spark 4 Moments : Skew,Kurtosis,Mean,Variance in Scala and Apache Spark Moments is specific quantitative measure of the shape of the data. In statistics, moments are used to understand the various characteristics of a probability distribution. usually we use moments to characterise the data, identify the shape of normal distribution. Moments are used measure to central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis
Apache Spark Basic statistics concepts for machine learning in Scala spark Before applying some distribution algorithm or probability density function or probability mass function, we need to understand some basic concepts of statistics these concepts might be though in our school ,we shall start by brushing up the concepts and implement those in Scala spark,Just for an overview i will
Apache Removing Stop Words in Apache Spark using Scala Long ago is was working on my pet project where i used scrape description and title form web URL and indexing words for granular search and grouping. the project was in java. and i had to remove few words which i did not want to index, Like "I"
Apache Spark Featured Apache Spark SQL : Running SQL Queries on DataFrame using Scala Apache Spark is a Big data processing engine which has components like "Spark SQL", "Spark Mlib" & "Spark streaming", we generally uses Apache spark for processing big data which process in-memory, batch wise and real time, general use case is to query large data
Scala Apache Spark Imputer Usage In Scala This Tutorial explain what is Spark imputer, implement the Imputer and basic terminologies used while using the imputer.And strategies available in spark imputer.
Scala Scala tutorial to demonstrate infix custom notation in scala: syntactic sugar So we know scala mimic certain expressions close to natural language like (obj prints "hello world"), this is possible in scala because all operators are treated as method calls like in expression a + b is internally translated to a.+(b), internally any number or strings is represented as
Scala Call By value and Call by name Evaluation Strategy in scala Evaluation strategies are used by programming languages to determine when to evaluate the argument(s) of a function call, the common evaluation strategy are call-by-name and call-by-value, and we have call-by-reference even. What is call-by-value ? In call by value, the argument expression is evaluated, and the resulting value is bound
Scala Stack recursion call and Tail Recursion in Scala Recursion is the process of defining something in terms of itself,In any programming language method calling itself until certain condition is call Recursive method, so we are familiar with recursion now,and we will further dive on type of recursive function Stack recursion call So Stack is data structure
Apache Spark Apache Spark Data Frame:Basic Data manipulation using scala Overview of this tutorial * Replace the data with new value in Data Frame * Filter the row values with basic conditions in Data Frame * Type Casting the Column Value in Data Frame To start Apache spark and read data from csv follow this post [
Scala Introduction to Apache Spark in scala What is Apache Spark ? Apache Spark is all referred as big data processing tool or framework developed under Apache. Spark has various inbuilt tool like SparkSQL, Spark Streaming,Spark Mllib,GraphX to handle the big data work. Overview of things covered in this Tutorial * Adding dependency to scala project * Starting
Scala Scala tutorials: How write a Singleton Class in scala and java As we know singleton is class is widely and commonly used design pattern.This class provides single instance of the class at any given point of time,throughout the JVM instance Usually in java we create singleton class by writing a private constructor, and declaring static variable named instance and
Technology Install Scala And Scala Build Tools IN UBUNTU-18.04LTS How to - install scala,and sbt(scala build tool) on ubuntu 18.04 lts & ubuntu 16.04 lts, and start a hello world project in sbt and shell