Install `jupyter` Note book for Scala on ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Install `jupyter` Note book  for Scala on ubuntu 18.04 LTS

So If you're a data scientist or an enthusiast you might have come across jupyter Note book, so  juypter is  an open source web application which helps you to run live code, plot visualisation charts,brief text narration of written code, we generally use jupyter note book to work on sample data to clean ,evaluate, apply numerical and statistical models, its just like an work book  which runs your code prints the out put of the code. and jupyter was widely used for python, and these days Scala language is picking up for machine learning and data science purpose. so in this tutorial we shall install and open jupyter note book on our Linux machine  which is running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

1) Set Environment  Variable

open your ~/.bashrc file in your desired editor and past following environment variables at the end of the file  

export SCALA_VERSION=2.12.8
export ALMOND_VERSION=0.9.0

and run the following code source ~/.bashrc in your terminal.

2) Install Coursier

Coursier is an Scala artifact fetching tool which basically pull Scala artefacts needed. before install Coursier make a directory as tools by using mkdir tools command in your terminal, and navigate to the folder,if you do not have curl installed  by using sudo apt-get install curl command you can install it. and run following commands in your terminal below.

curl -Lo coursier
chmod +x coursier

3) Install almond Kernel

Ammonite is a modern and user-friendly Scala shell. Almond wraps it in a Jupyter kernel, giving you all its features and niceties, including customisation. to install Ammonite and Jupyter run the following command pasted below.

./coursier bootstrap \
    -r jitpack \
    -i user -I user:sh.almond:scala-kernel-api_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
    sh.almond:scala-kernel_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
    -o almond
./almond --install

after this final step you can open Jupyter note book by jupyter notebook command in your terminal open jupyter notebook.and start using jupyter.

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