Big Data Change Data Capture for MongoDB using Change Streams in Spring Boot. What is Change Data Capture? Change data capture is short know as CDC, A process of tracking the changes in the data of a particular Database and logging those changes. Why do we need CDC? We need CDC for audit purposes to track. the Audit might help us to understand
Tutorial Deploying the React application having react-router to prod with Express js and Dockerizing the app. During my development career, Usually most of the time, I chose to deploy my front-end applications using Nginx. The Nginx is a widely accepted web server by the community, but during my recent time, I had to deploy my react application behind a sub-path, My personal preference is to create
Cloud Adding transaction /trace Id/Correlation id for each request in Micronaut for tracing the log easily. A Micronout is a web framework that has recently gained popularity and acquired quite a bit of market share as well a growing community. We are adapting it to build cloud-native microservices and moving towards reactive and using non-blocking servers such as netty. As we are moving towards distributed microservices
Technology Uploading and Downloading files from MINIO object store using spring web flux. If you have landed on this page means either you working with spring boot web flux trying to upload a file to a privately hosted minio object-store server. So we know spring boot has gained popularity for its simple approach to bootstrap an application in very little time, Also minio
Spring Boot Featured Writing a Reverse Proxy Service in Spring Boot. With Spring boot Retry on Failures In this microservice world, we always emphasize passing any HTTP request through the API/Service gateway layer that Connects Multiple micro-services with having a Bare minimum requirement of Logging all the requests and responses of each service for cleaner Visibility. We can consider writing our reverse proxy layer in the
AWS Spring Boot Rest API deployed in AWS Lambda (Serverless) Git lab CI/CD Just to begin AWS Lambda is server less architecture, which allows you to run the code without managing the server and cost is pay per use, usually its based on number of invocation and execution time. Usually lambda is preferred for small task or to have platform specific trigger. But
Technology Does WiFi 6 matter to the average consumer? If your tech enthusiast probably were wondering about upgrading to WIF 6 router. So before upgrade to WIFI 6, we also need the clients to support wifi6 to take advantage of the features. Now we shall dive deeper into what WIFI 6 offers. 1) The WIFI 6 router offers higher
AWS AWS S3 & Micronaut: File upload and download using Java I started learning new framework called Micronaut, Micronaut is lightweight Java web framework, Which is cloud native in nature which support Java, Groovy and Kotlin and main advantage of the micronut its light weight, has low memory footprint and fast, one of the way it achieve its Fast nature and
Java File Upload And Download Inside Micronaut Http controller Java. I am learning new framework called Micronaut. And I wanted to know how to upload the file and modify the configuration to allow multipart data, So I began googling and consolidate my learning in to single blog. This article helps you to upload a file and download a file from
Java Custom Annotation To Handle Authorisation In Micronaut AOP Tutorial Overview: * Creating custom annotation * Creating component in Micronaut * Creation a configuration and middleware(Interceptor) in Micronaut * Basic of Aspect and usage in Micronaut Micronaut is the web framework, Its features similar to spring boot also this framework is light weight, low memory foot print, and quick start up time, as
Cloud AWS Lambda APIs using Micronaut along with basic CI & CD (Gitlab CI) steps. Just to begin AWS Lambda is server less architecture, which allows you to run the code without managing the server and cost is pay per use, usually its based on number of invocation and execution time. Usually lambda is preferred for small task or to have platform specific trigger. But
Java Spring Boot: Uploading and download a file from GCP Storage (Google Cloud Storage) Hello fellow developer, if you have landed on this page by search that means my SEO is working and google official documentation is not yet updated for the new approach. or if you have visited just to learn let me add few more details about GCP and spring boot. Google
Java Ehcache: Java Based Cache in Spring Boot Most of the time, when we need to retrieve the same piece of data repeatedly from a data store, we generally try to cache the data to an in-memory cache. One such library we use when our data is lightweight is Ehcache. In this article, we shall see how to
Spring Boot Spring boot: uploading and downloading file Azure Blob Store using rest API If you have landed on this page means either your working with spring boot and trying to upload a file to Azure blob storage. so we know spring boot has gained popularity for its simple approach to bootstrap an application in very less time, Also Azure is gaining a lot
Technology The Brief Opinion on Using Android Apps with windows `Your phone` app Maybe everyone was excited to see running android apps on windows. The first thing that came to my mind was the baby step towards forming an ecosystem with pc and cellular devices. So I was excited to check The 'Your Phone App' with my note device. I immediately
Spring Boot Continuous deployment of spring boot Apps on Azure App service using GIT lab CI Continuous deployment is an automated process of releasing production code to the desired infrastructure, Only after Continuous Integration pipelines are satisfied. CI (Continuous Integration) is making sure every piece of code is tested & validated in an automated fashion whenever code pushed to the shared repository. The process of CI
Scala Scala build tools (sbt) : Getting started for testing and building As we know Scala as language is getting popular in data science or general programming field, for its functional programming traits as well object oriented behaviour also Scala runs on JVM so we can mix Scala code in java or java code with Scala project also lot of plugin or
Scala Difference between object and class in Scala. Object so in scala object is a singleton instance of the class, lets explain with small snippet. object test { def addPlusOne(a:Int) = a+1; } So when your calling the function instance is already created you can just use like static functions of class in java i.e `test.addPlusOne(
Java Spring boot: uploading and downloading file from Minio object store If you have landed on this page means either your working with spring boot and trying to upload an file to a privately hosted minio object store server. so we know spring boot has gained popularity for its simple approach to bootstrap an application in very less time, Also minio
Big Data MINIO: Getting Started With Ubuntu 18.04 Minio is another object store just like AWS S3, This is self hosted so easily can be used in private cloud. and it is open source so its absolute free use and modify. this one of the fastest growing self managed object store out there. so when it comes to
Tutorial Flyweight Pattern in java. Flyweight pattern is categorised as structural pattern,Which is used to reduce number of object creations by using existing similar objects which in turn helps in reducing the memory foot print and increasing the performance of an application. lets take some real world example where you need to print employee
Java Standardise the response of REST API in spring boot (Spring boot's ResponseBodyAdvice) As we know know Just like Captain america's Civil War fight, so in development war between front end developers vs back end is hard to explain, usual complaint for any screw ups is API response is not consistent, this will be both burden to FE devs and BE
Apache Spark Basic statistics concepts for machine learning in Scala spark Before applying some distribution algorithm or probability density function or probability mass function, we need to understand some basic concepts of statistics these concepts might be though in our school ,we shall start by brushing up the concepts and implement those in Scala spark,Just for an overview i will
Big Data Identifying 3 basic Flavours of data for processing. Before stepping into data processing we have to identify the what's flavour of the data. before applying fancy algorithm or basic statistics like mean median or mode, so our results wont deviated, so basically we can divide data in three parts. 1) Numerical. Numerical data represented in digits
Big Data JSOUP for web scraping in java The Web Scraping is process of harvesting the the content from website's URL, As we are in world of Data driven decision making web scraping plays major role collecting data from public channel and processing content could help to analyse and fuel the the decision. so lets begin