Installing Ghost CMS ON UBUNTU-18.04LTS

Installing Ghost CMS ON UBUNTU-18.04LTS


As copied from the Official site Ghost is a fully open source, adaptable platform for building and running a modern online publication. Which they claim to power Blogs, magazines and journalists from Zappos to Sky News,

Key Features:

1)Built on NodeJs
2)Super Easy Command line interface to Install
3)Minimalistic design
4)Supports markdown kind of editor
5)Open Source
6)Self managed


  1. Node Js
  2. Node package manager
  3. MySql database
  4. Nginx


  • Install Prerequisite
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm mysql-server ngnix
  • Install ghost cli
    sudo npm install -g ghost-cli
  • Create empty Folder by name ghost in /var/www/html/ghost
    mkdir /var/www/html/ghost
  • Provide Necessary Permission
    sudo chown -r root:www-data /var/wwww/html && sudo chmod -r 775 /var/wwww/html
  • Navigate to Ghost directory which we created and type below command
    ghost install
  • Follow the options and provide the proper inputs to prompted question.

the end ...!

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